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Online Marketing or Stalking

ET Cases, 6 pages
AUTHOR(S) : Syed Abdul Samad and Dr. Nagendra V. Chowdary

Case Preview

Online Marketing or Stalking


Expected Learning Outcomes

• The opportunities that online Digital & Social Media platforms give to marketers for converting a consumer into a brand apostle
• Ways in which companies track user information across various consumer touchpoints which can turn out to be intimidating for the consumer
• The difference between information mapping and stalking and where to draw the line



Digital & Social Media Platforms: Marketing Opportunities or Opportunist Marketers

1. What are the differences between Digital & Social Media platforms? Give few examples for each.
2. What according to you are the benefits of Digital & Social Media platforms for marketing and brand communication?
3. Why do companies prefer to have an online marketing strategy? How do you think the Digital & Social Media platforms can influence the consumer behavior?
4. ................


Exhibit I: Consumer Buying Decision Process

Exhibit II: Digital & Social Media – Product Awareness vs Experience

Teaching Note Preview

Online Marketing or Stalking



The case flyer tries to initiate a discussion about the stalking of internet users as online marketers are aggressively employing invasive tools to collect consumer information thereby posing a threat to users’ privacy. The accompanying article highlights that mapping happens on two levels – while browsing without logging in and after logging into various sites like blogs or emails. In addition to it, Eli Pariser in his video on TED stated that there are 57 ways in which Google tracks and analyzes user information. Marketers, on the other hand, are only concerned about collecting user information and not about how it is collected. However, there are instances where the social media campaigns of marketers have backfired. The case flyer thus questions the extent to which marketers could use digital & Social Media platforms to collect consumer information and mapping.

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • • The opportunities that online Digital & Social Media platforms give to marketers for converting a consumer into a brand apostle
  • • Ways in which companies track user information across various consumer touchpoints which can turn out to be intimidating for the consumer
  • • The difference between information mapping and stalking and where to draw the line


Positioning and Setting

The case flyer can be used in the following courses:

  • a) Business Strategy
  • b) Advertising and Promotion



Exhibit (TN)-I: Digital & Social Media – Product Awareness vs Experience

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Product code: MKTG-4-0012, MKTG-4-0012A


This case flyer and the accompanying article1 from The Economic Times highlights the privacy threat faced by internet users due to online marketing. It tries to initiate a classroom debate on the following lines: How does online marketing and usage of social media help marketers? What are the various means through which online marketers gather consumer information? Does this consumer information mapping lead to stalking? Where should a company draw lines in terms of tracking consumer information and mapping such that the consumers' privacy is protected? The case flyer is suitable for teaching concepts in the courses of Business Strategy, and Advertising and Promotion.

Pedagogical Objectives

  • To understand the multitude of opportunities that online Digital & Social Media platforms give to marketers
  • To understand the numerous ways in which companies track user information across various consumer touchpoints
  • To debate on the difference between information mapping and stalking and where to draw the line

1 Pritha Mitra Dasgupta, 'Online Marketing or Plain Stalking', The Economic Times, December 26th 2013

This Case Pack Includes:
- Abstract
- Case Flyer
- Analysis

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